National Investigation Agency Seeks Internet Data of IS Suspects
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has looked for the assistance of different Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to get the information utilized by captured Islamic State suspects.

The suspects had widely utilized different online networking locales, including WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, to enroll and advance the philosophy of the terrorist outfit in India.

By, the NIA, while looking for the remand of the suspects on Tuesday, told a court here that the suspects likewise utilized Internet and Internet-based administrations, for example, Telegram, KIK and Surespot.

This was in compatibility of a bigger scheme, and was gone for recognizing and encouraging enrollment of individuals and advancing the exercises the worldwide dread outfit.

The NIA said the solicitation to get the information was being sent to the ISPs under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) for criminal matters, the sources told IANS.

It said the data was required, and the blamed should have been be in authority to confirm the actualities that rise up out of the substance of the web based administrations utilized by the charged to speak with their partners.

By sources, numerous electronic contraptions, including portable PCs, tablets, cellular telephones, SIM cards, memory cards and pen drives, utilized by the denounced had been seized from them after their captures on January 29.

These were sent on February 4 to criminological examiners of the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team.

Amid in-camera procedures on Tuesday, District Judge Amar Nath permitted the NIA to test the three charged - Sheik Azhar-Ul-Islam moniker Abdul Sattar Sheik, Mohammed Farhan nom de plume Mohammed Rafiq Shaikh and Adnan Hassan pseudonym Mohammad Hussain - till February 19.

While Sheik Azhar hails from Jammu and Kashmir, Farhan and Hassan are inhabitants of Maharashtra and Karnataka, separately.

By sources, NIA told the court that custodial cross examination of the denounced had prompted pointers about connections amongst them and their relationship with the Islamic State.

Each of the three were displayed under the watchful eye of the court with their appearances secured after the expiry of their police remand.

"Amid scrutinizing, the denounced revealed that they are dynamic supporters of Islamic State and stayed in close contact with a few dynamic individuals from the IS utilizing web, phone and different method for interchanges."

Guard counsel M.S. Khan contradicted the NIA request to amplify their guardianship, saying the organization had adequate time to cross examine the blamed.

The three have been reserved for criminal scheme and under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

The NIA included that the trio was included in a scheme to recognize, persuade and radicalize enlists and prepare Indians found both in India and different nations.

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