Nasa Invites Isro to US for Possible Collaboration on Mars Mission
As American space office Nasa anticipates sending space explorers to Mars, it has welcomed the Indian Space Research Organization (Isro) for a conceivable worldwide joint effort.

A few space offices of various nations are likewise anticipated that would go to the meeting in Washington one month from now.

"We are hoping to send space travelers to Mars. So as to do that, you require certain mechanical missions in the first place.

Right on time one month from now, there will be a meeting in Washington. The Isro has additionally been welcomed for the meeting to talk about the future coordinated efforts for the mission to Mars. We think it will be a greater amount of a universal consortium.

"There are potential chances to team up in future," said Jakob van Zyl, Associate Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The Nasa researcher was conveying an address on its Mars mission and its finding on the Red Planet at American Center in New Delhi.

There is likewise an Isro-Nasa Mars Working Group set up, which has been investigating open doors for improved collaboration in Mars investigation including potential facilitated perceptions and examination between Isro's Mars Orbiter Mission and Nasa's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN).

The UAE has likewise consented to a participation arrangement with the Isro for its Mars Mission, the first to be embraced by any Gulf country.

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