Microsoft's Plumbago Digital Notebook App Aim to Retire Pen and Paper
Searching for a distinct option for pen and paper to jot essential notes on the go? US-based innovation monster Microsoft heard you and has offered a tablet-based application reproducing the simple request of composing.

For the individuals who convey innovative advanced gadgets however lean toward bringing notes with pen or pencil and paper, Microsoft has propelled Plumbago - another application for Windows 8.1 and 10 tablets discharged through the Microsoft Garage.

Plumbago is a computerized note pad with innovation that smoothens penmanship so your scrawls are simpler to peruse later. It additionally contains reasonable ink innovation and different elements like a streamlined instrument picker intended to decrease the quantity of taps to get to its elements, journal covers and paper selector, Microsoft said in an online journal on Friday.

"We were contemplating how to make an awesome affair that truly exploited the Surface and its pen, and could supplant a physical journal," Gavin Jancke, general chief of building in Microsoft Research, said.

"There are material, discerning and visual properties around a genuine note pad that are difficult to dislodge. So our objective was to make a flawless Windows application utilizing innovation that could conceivably dislodge those physical and keen ancient rarities," Jancke included.

The application has a few sorts of papers to look over, for example, yellow tenet - with the natural pink edge line - and network, music sheets, among others.

The application let clients have up to a 25-page virtual note pad. To flip the page, a client needs to simply swipe the screen to flip the page over - simply like with the genuine scratch pad.

It likewise has a choice of picking between pen, pencil and highlighter.

"This pen streamlined experience likewise reacts to the weight of the pen. The harder you push at first glance, the more profound the drawing apparatus lays onto the paper" Jancke noted.

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