MapmyIndia Unveils Self-Driving Car Technologies Ahead of Auto Expo 2016
MapmyIndia, a creator of computerized maps, GPS route gadgets, and GPS beacons, on Wednesday said it is showcasing its new advances for self-driving autos at the Auto Expo 2016 - Components Show, which will happen from Thursday to Sunday in New Delhi. The organization in a messaged explanation itemized the self-driving auto advances, and in addition forthcoming shopper confronting and undertaking driven innovations, for example, its DriveMate gadget and its Connected Car stage.

The organization definite its RealView Technology and Advanced Maps for Self-Driving Cars. MapmyIndia RealView catches and adjusts high-determination scene pictures and works in pair with the GPS innovation and accelerometer information to make a "ground truth reference dataset" for the self-driving auto. MapmyIndia RealView can likewise be utilized to geo-label, measure and examine potholes, speed breakers, street signs, activity signals, overhead extensions, path markers, street shoulders, and the sky is the limit from there, when combined with MapmyIndia's Advanced Map dataset for India. It can give autos a notice before they experience any of the previously stated obstructions. The innovation can likewise be utilized exceptionally by government transport organizations for enhancing street outline, activity arranging and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

MapmyIndia likewise expounded on its DriveMate gadget, a fitting and-play GPS device that can track vehicles and screen driver conduct. OEMs can likewise connect it to the vehicle's CAN interface to share vehicle diagnostics data.

The organization likewise nitty gritty its Connected Car stage for auto producers and level 1 framework suppliers. The stage conveys Smartphone-Connected In-auto Navigation, Telematics and Map APIs for the car's infotainment framework and outsider Apps Location-Aware. MapmyIndia takes note of that Tata Motors is as of now making utilization of the innovation and was as of late dispatched in the organization claimed Jaguar Land Rover also.

The firm will likewise explained upon its Fleet Management Systems Computer Aided Dispatch Solution for Emergency Response Vehicles, for example, rescue vehicle and flame trucks, alongside GPS Fleet Management System for School Busses and Logistics Trucks. It will enhance capacities and efficiency of these vehicles.

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