How to Get 2GB Google Drive Storage for Free
Google is by and by giving without end 2GB of free lasting stockpiling to Google Drive clients on Safer Internet Day, which is Tuesday. Users should do nothing more than to finish a short security checkup on their Google Account.

The record security checkup procedure will make you audit your record recuperation alternatives, associated gadgets, administrations with authorizations, and 2-stage confirmation settings. Once the procedure has been finished, clients will see a last page expressing gratitude toward them, with the words, "To observe Safer Internet Day 2016, we included 2GB of free Drive stockpiling to your Google account since you finished the Security Checkup." The additional stockpiling won't not reflect instantly after the procedure be that as it may.

Clients can make a beeline for their own Security Checkup page to experience the drill. Google is not new to such offers and gives away free stockpiling now and again to bait its clients.

The pursuit monster in November a year ago gave 1TB of Drive stockpiling for nothing in the event that you added to make its mapping and route benefit better. As a part of the redesigned Google Maps' Local Guides program, the firm remunerated individuals who added helpful data to Google maps by setting up audits, transferring photographs, or stamping visitor spots and so on.

In July, Google made its Cloud Storage Nearline accessible to the overall population. The organization furthermore declared that it would offer stockpiling of 100PB of space for nothing, keeping in mind the end goal to entice clients.

A few other tech mammoths have acquainted various arrangements with tempt clients to utilize their distributed storage administrations. In November, Amazon began offering boundless photograph reinforcement at $1 and boundless record stockpiling at $5 every year. Apple in September knock up the capacity offered to paying iCloud supporters, aside from slicing the membership expense for higher stockpiling levels.

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