His Internet Was Too Slow. So He Set Up a Bot to Pester His ISP About It.
A large portion of us have thought about moderate Internet speeds at some time. Possibly you've even called your Internet supplier about it. In any case, you most likely haven't gone to the lengths that this Comcast endorser has.

A Washington, D.C.- based reddit client passing by the name AlekseyP was so baffled with his download speeds that he set up a Twitter bot that tweets at Comcast each time his Internet administration drops beneath a specific limit. How can he isn't that right? With a Raspberry Pi - a little, low-control PC adored by specialists - that ceaselessly screens his home data transmission.

AlekseyP pays for 150 Mbps download speeds. Be that as it may, he said, he regularly gets only 10 to 30 Mbps - a small amount of the publicized rate. So at whatever point his download rate drops beneath 50 Mbps, AlekseyP's Raspberry Pi communicates something specific pushing Comcast about it:

"Hey @Comcast why is my web speed 31down\9up when I pay for 150down\10up in Washington DC? @ComcastCares @xfinity #comcast #speedtest"

" Hey @Comcast why is my web speed 29down\8up when I pay for 150down\10up in Washington DC? @ComcastCares @xfinity #comcast #speedtest - AComcast User (@A_Comcast_User) January 29, 2016"

The Twitter bot goes back to last October, however it's just been as of late that it started tweeting its rate insights at Comcast. Since Sunday, AlekseyP's reddit post has become a great many upvotes, and numerous individuals have been requesting that him how set up something comparative for themselves.

The post plainly takes advantage of an idle well of discontent among numerous disappointed purchasers. Comcast has offered to investigate the issue, yet AlekseyP said that he wouldn't like to be "singled out" and that all of Comcast clients should get their publicized rates.

Concentrates on by government controllers demonstrate that Comcast really has a tendency to convey the velocities it guarantees. Around 90 percent of Comcast clients wind up getting their promoted speeds or near it, contrasted with around 75 percent of Time Warner Cable and Cox Communications clients, as per a late report.

"Clients of Cablevision, Comcast, or Verizon Fiber (FiOS) experienced genuine download speeds that are exceptionally reliable," peruses the report by the Federal Communications Commission. Still, the FCC said, there are a few clients for every Internet supplier in the study "for whom genuine download speed misses the mark regarding the publicized download speed."

Your topography, home systems administration gear and Internet utilization propensities can all influence the rates that you at last experience.

Still, AlekseyP says he did his best to assume the best about Comcast. Case in point, he concedes that handling limits on the Raspberry Pi make it difficult to decide when the system is working at crest execution. It can't quantify when the download speed surpasses 100 Mbps - so AlekseyP checks any estimation above 90 Mbps as a point to support Comcast. His machine just auto-tweets when the administration plunges extensively beneath what he ought to be getting.

He additionally recognizes that his own Internet propensities might be meddling with the Raspberry Pi's outcomes. In any case, he said, regardless he saw drops in administration "amid hours when we were not home or everybody was sleeping" - times when scarcely anything would have been influencing the test.

Comcast declined to remark for this story. Be that as it may, a top Comcast engineer, Jason Livingood, contacted AlekseyP on reddit and Twitter, offering to loan his own help. Livingood likewise studied AlekseyP's test, conjecturing that his link modem may not bolster the quickest speeds.

AlekseyP says his rates have enhanced of late. In any case, regardless he trusts that any log jams he's encountering are not his deficiency.

"I am ready to download steam recreations or stream Netflix at 1080p and still have the rate test enlists its close to its greatest of 90mbps down," he composed, "so when we gets speeds on the request of 10mpbs down and we are not intensely utilizing the web we know the issue is not on our end."

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