Android Wear v1.4 Lets Users Make Calls, Dictate Messages, and More
Google has point by point its forthcoming significant upgrade for the Android Wear working framework, which likewise at last conveys Marshmallow to the wearable OS. Android Wear v1.4 will let clients play sounds and accept calls right from the smartwatch (for those watches with speakers), offer new signal controls, and permit clients to sort out and manage messages on WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber and other texting customers, amongst different changes.

"There are a lot of times when you have your hands full yet at the same time need to remain focused of updates, messages, and calls. That is the reason Android Wear incorporates things like voice activities and signals. What's more, today we're growing these without hands choices in various ways," said Krystal Higgins, User Experience Designer, Android Wear, on the organization blog entry on Thursday.

The clients can now interface their Android Wear running smartwatches to their cell phones by means of Bluetooth to make and accept calls without utilizing the handset. In any case, for this, the smartwatch ought to incorporate a speaker. Starting now there are just two Android Wear smartwatches as of now underway with speakers - the Huawei Watch and the Asus ZenWatch 2 (49mm). Clients can likewise listen to sound/video messages with applications such as Glide.

As of not long ago, Android Wear clients could just flick their wrists to look all over in the smartwatch's card stream. Be that as it may, the most recent redesign now brings the capacity to grow a card, raise applications, and come back to the watch face with a push, lift or shake motions. "You'll have the capacity to stay associated with what's critical, while keeping your telephone (or other hand) in your pocket," includes Higgins.

In conclusion, the Android Wear v1.4 overhaul gives wearers sort a chance to out and direct messages from applications such as Nextplus, Telegram, Viber, WeChat, and WhatsApp - outstandingly, Hangouts support for the same usefulness has been there since Hangouts 4.0 in August a year ago. The overhaul changelog likewise says battery life upgrades alongside backing for six new dialects - in particular, Mandarin, Cantonese, Indonesian, Polish, Dutch, and Thai.

Higgins says that the upgrade will be taking off to all the Android Wear gadgets "throughout the following couple of weeks." It will likewise be achieving Casio Smart Outdoor Watch and Huawei Watch for Ladies.

The Android v1.4 redesign depends on API 23 and Android 6.0 Marshmallow, emphasizing over API 22. Wayne Piekarski, a Senior Developer Advocate at Google (Android), in a Google+ post affirmed the take off time allotment and included that the SDK for API 23 is now accessible for designers. "Note that you will at present need to bolster API 22 watches in your Android Wear applications until the rollout is finished. At the point when all Android Wear gadgets have the overhaul, I will make a declaration and you can then evacuate API 22 bolster," he said. More subtle elements can be found on the organization's Android Developer's blog entry. While neither the changelog or designer post particularly says the consideration of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Android Police calls attention to that the incorporation of API 23 suggests this.

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