Title: Python 3.4.4
Filename: python-3.4.4.msi
File size: 23.78MB (24,932,352 bytes)
Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Open Source
Date added: December 22, 2015
Author: Python
Homepage: www.python.org

 Python is a dynamic article arranged programming dialect that can be utilized for some sorts of programming advancement. It offers solid backing for incorporation with different dialects and apparatuses, accompanies broad standard libraries, and can be learned in a couple of days. Numerous Python software engineers report generous profitability picks up and feel the dialect energizes the advancement of higher quality, more viable code.
Python keeps running on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, OS/2, Amiga, Palm Handhelds, and Nokia cellular telephones. Python has likewise been ported to the Java and .NET virtual machines.
Python is disseminated under an OSI-affirmed open source permit that makes it allowed to utilize, notwithstanding for business items.

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