Title: MySQL 5.6.28
Filename: mysql-5.6.28-win32.msi
File size: 34.63MB (36,315,136 bytes)
Requirements: Windows 9x / 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / Windows8
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Open Source
Date added: December 9, 2015
Author: MySQL AB
Homepage: www.mysql.com

MySQL Community Edition is an unreservedly downloadable form of the world's most prevalent open source database that is upheld by a dynamic group of open source designers and aficionados.
MySQL conveys endeavor highlights, including:
•           Partitioning to enhance execution and administration of expansive database situations
•           Row-based/Hybrid Replication for enhanced replication security
•           Event Scheduler to make and plan occupations that perform different database undertakings
•           XPath Support
•           Dynamic General/Slow Query Log
•           Performance/Load Testing Utility (mysqlslap)
•           Improved! Full Text Search (quicker, new dev layouts)
•           Improved! Chronicle motor (better pressure, more elements)
•           Improved! Client session and issue SQL recognizable proof
•           Improved! MySQL installed library (libmysqld)
•           Additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA objects
•           Faster information import operations (parallel document load)
•           ACID Transactions to construct dependable and secure business basic applications
•           Stored Procedures to enhance designer profitability
•           Triggers to uphold complex business rules at the database level
•           Views to guarantee touchy data is not traded off
•           Information Schema to give simple access to metadata
•           Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture for most extreme adaptability
•           Archive Storage Engine.

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