How to Block Any Website On Your Computer, Phone, or Network
There are a few reasons why you might need to obstruct certain sites on your PC. A few sites could be spreading infections, contain unequivocal substance or even be attempting to take your own information. While you might well be more than fit for staying away from these sites, yet that doesn't stand valid for each one who utilizes your gadget. In such cases, it may be best to hinder certain sites.

There are diverse approaches to block sites. You can piece sites just on particular programs, the whole working framework, or without a doubt your system switch. Here's the manner by which to square sites.

On your PC

On the off chance that you need to control access to sites on only one machine, then you can set up piece at the working framework level. This strategy for blocking sites is not very difficult to arrange and will work crosswise over programs.


One of the spines of the Internet is the DNS framework that makes an interpretation of simple to recollect (and sort) names, for example, into proportionate IP addresses ( While you utilize DNS servers to get to sites, your PC likewise has something many refer to as a HOSTS document which can have this data put away privately. This can be utilized to cripple access to undesirable sites. We checked this technique with both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

1. Ensure you have overseer access on your PC. Sign into your PC utilizing a chairman account and go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\

2. Double tap the record named "has" and select Notepad from the rundown of projects to open the document. Click OK. The last two lines of your hosts document ought to peruse "# localhost" and "# ::1 localhost".

2a. In the event that you can't alter the record, you'll have to right-tap the document named has and select Properties. Click the Security tab, select the head record and snap Edit.

2b. In the pop-up, select the record again and check Full control. Click Apply > Yes. Presently click OK in every single pop-up.

3. Toward the end of the record, you can add the locations of sites to piece. To do this, simply include a line toward the end of the record, with and afterward the name of the site you need to square - this will divert the site's name to your nearby PC.

4. To square Google, for instance, include "" to the end of the record without the quote marks. You can obstruct the same number of locales as you need along these lines, however recall that you can just include one for each line.

5. Rehash this progression until you've added all sites you need to square.

6. Presently shut the hosts record and snap Save. Reboot your PC for the progressions to produce results and you'll see that each one of those sites are currently blocked.

Here's the manner by which to piece sites on OS X .

1. Ensure you have executive access to your Mac. Presently open Terminal. You can discover it under/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.

2. Sort sudo nano/and so forth/has and press enter. Enter the client (login) secret key when incited.

3. This will open the document/and so on/hosts in a content tool. Sort the name of the site in another line in this organization "" (short the quotes). For every site you need to piece, begin another line and sort the same charge with just the name of the site being supplanted. Whenever done, press ctrl+x and afterward Y to spare changes.

4. Presently enter in the summon sudo dscacheutil - flushcache and press Enter or restart your machine to ensure the sites are blocked.

Program level pieces

Obstructing a site on any program is the most effortless approach to take care of business.

On Firefox, you can introduce an addon called BlockSite to square site.

1. Introduce the addon, press ctrl+shift+a, and click Extensions on the left. Presently click Options under BlockSite. In the pop-up, snap Add and sort the name of the site you need blocked. Rehash the procedure for all sites you would prefer not to get to. Click OK.

2. Presently these sites will be obstructed on Firefox. You can likewise set a watchword in BlockSite to keep others from altering the rundown of blocked sites. This should be possible by means of the alternatives menu portrayed in the past step.

BlockSite is additionally accessible on Google Chrome.

Web Explorer lets you piece sites effortlessly. Here's the manner by which.

1. Open the program and go to Tools (alt+x) > Internet Options. Presently tap the security tab and after that tap the red Restricted locales symbol. Click the Sites catch beneath the symbol.

2. Presently in the pop-up, physically sort the sites you need to square one-by-one. Click Add subsequent to writing the name of every site. Whenever done, click Close and snap OK in every single other window. Presently these sites will be obstructed in Internet Explorer.

On your telephone or tablet


Apple has some convenient parental control apparatuses that let you hinder certain sites. Here's the means by which.

1. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions.

2. Tap on Enable Restrictions. Presently set a password for confinements. This ought to in a perfect world be not quite the same as the password you use to open the telephone.

3. After the password is set, look down and tap Websites. Here you can either restrict grown-up substance, or permit access to particular sites as it were.

4. In particular sites just, there's a short rundown of permitted sites including Discovery Kids and Disney, yet you can likewise include destinations by tapping Add a Website.

5. In the event that you tap Limit grown-up substance, Apple pieces sites that are esteemed offensive, however you can whitelist sites by tapping on Add a Website under Always Allow, or boycott them by tapping on it under Never Allow.

6. In the event that you attempt to get to a blocked site, you see a message letting you know it is confined. Tap the Allow Website and key in the Restrictions password to open that site.


On Android, you'll have to alter the hosts document on your gadget to divert destinations you need to square. You'll require a document director, and a content tool - the most effortless alternative is to utilize our most loved application ES File Explorer, which gives you a chance to do both things. Here's the means by which it works.

1. Introduce ES File Explorer Open ES File Explorer and tap the "/" catch at the top. Tap on framework > and so forth.

2. In this organizer, you'll see the hosts document - tap it and in the pop up menu, tap content. In the following pop up, tap ES Note Editor.

3. Tap the three dabs catch in the upper right, and tap alter.

4. Presently, you're altering the record, and to square locales, you need to divert their DNS. To do this, simply begin another line, and sort "" (without the quotes, where blocked site is the name of the webpage you're hindering) for every site you need to square. For instance, you'll need to sort to square Google.

5. Reboot your Android gadget.

On the off chance that that strategy is excessively unpredictable for you, you can introduce a hostile to infection application, for example, Trend Micro that lets you square sites.

1. Introduce the application and run it. Go to Options > Safe surfing.

2. Presently swipe to Parental Controls and snap set up record. Make a record and you'll see an alternative called Blocked List in the application. Tap it, and tap Add. Presently add the sites you need to square each one in turn. Once that is done, you won't have the capacity to get to these sites on your Android cell phone.

Windows Phone

You can't do a full piece of sites on Windows Phone, purchase you can download the AVG Family Safety program. Naturally it pieces sites with noxious or unequivocal substance, and on the off chance that you buy an AVG against infection permit and make a record, you can redo the rundown of blocked sites.

On your system

In the event that you have a Wi-Fi system in the house, then it is simpler to simply set up a piece on undesirable sites by means of your Wi-Fi switch. Most switches don't have extremely easy to understand interfaces, so this can be a touch of overwhelming, and obviously, the strides can change for every switch, except the essential procedure you take after is really comparative, so in case you're only somewhat quiet, this is entirely simple.

Changing the wrong setting could unintentionally de-initiate your association, so in the event that you get stuck, summon your ISP right.

1. We attempted this on a Beetel 450TC1 switch gave by MTNL in Delhi, and with a Binatone Router gave via Airtel. The strides were precisely the same for both. To begin, you have to go to your switch's settings. Open any program and sort in the location bar. Press Enter. A few switches utilize an alternate location, so if this doesn't work, check and check whether it is said in the documentation from your ISP.

2. Presently you will need to enter a username and secret key. This would have been set up amid the establishment of your association - defaults are typically username: administrator, and watchword: secret key. If not, check with your ISP and get the right username and watchword.

3. As specified before, the interface can vary. In our MTNL switch, we found that we could square sites under Access Management > Filter.

4. Here there's a drop-down menu called Filter sort choice. We chose URL Filter and wrote the site we needed to obstruct in the URL field beneath. Over this field, there is an alternative called Active. Here we saw two catches, Yes and No. We chose Yes and hit Save. This hindered the site on our system.

5. You can make 16 arrangements of blocked sites, each containing 16 sites, utilizing this strategy, giving you obstruct chance to 256 sites. Once more, this will change from switch or switch.

This aide ought to have helped you piece sites on any gadget. In the event that you know some other techniques to square destinations, let us know by means of the remarks.

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