YouTube for iOS Update Brings Native Resolution Support for iPad Pro
Macintosh's iPad Pro is at last getting some acknowledgment from YouTube application. Google has seeded an overhaul to YouTube for iOS that includes local determination support for the iPad Pro, and accordingly, enhanced the playback experience on Apple's biggest tablet till date. YouTube v11.06 is currently accessible by means of the App Store

Preceding this, the iPad Pro was running YouTube at the same determination as the iPad Air. However, now, YouTube application on the iPad Pro will have the capacity to use the 2732 x 2048 pixels screen determination of the iPad Pro. The redesign additionally settles a bug that brought on the console to stop when remarking on YouTube. Another bug settle now keeps an accident that happened when a client included a record iOS 7.

That is all there is in the new overhaul, lamentably. So in the event that you were sitting tight for backing for Split View and Picture-in-Picture mode, you need to continue holding up. There's no word on the App Store posting of the application in the matter of when Google arrangements to convey these components to YouTube.

As 9to5Mac focuses out, in any case, on the off chance that you are hoping to make utilization of the multitasking highlights on your iPad with YouTube, you can take a gander at choices, for example, CornerTube and YouPlayer applications. They influence on the APIs that Google offers to people in general. However, Google could some time or another deny access to such APIs and render these applications futile - just like the case with Microsoft-made YouTube application for Windows Phone two years back.

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