Epson Launches Moverio BT-300 AR Smart Glasses at MWC 2016
While most of the business is simply starting to perceive savvy glasses - and its AR and VR applications - Epson this week reported the third-era of its undertaking grade enlarged reality brilliant glasses. The Japanese organization made that big appearance at the continuous Mobile World Congress to divulge the Moverio BT-300.

The organization appeared its initially enlarged reality glasses named Moverio BT-100 in 2012. From that point forward, it has been buckling down on enhancing the item - its look and feel - while likewise stuffing in new components. Epson says the BT-300 are the lightest shrewd glasses it has ever constructed - around 20 percent lighter than the BT-200, its antecedent that was propelled in 2014.

The BT-300 comes outfitted with a 0.43-inch Silicon Oled (Si-Oled) HD show (1280x720) - rather than LCD board. The innards have gotten a few upgrades as well. The Epson Moverio BT-300 is controlled by a quad-center Intel Atom X5 SoC, and has a 5-megapixel camera. On the product side, it runs Android 5.1 Lollipop.
"The move from LCD illuminated projection to Si-Oled empowers higher differentiation levels, a more extensive shading array and genuine showcase straightforwardness - this is an amusement changing innovation that will quicken the reception of AR glasses," Eric Mizufuka, item director, New Ventures for Epson America.

The organization says that the Epson Moverio BT-300 will turn into the standard in the expanded reality glasses classification. The BT-200 was reported as a human services activity as it made it less demanding for specialists to locate a patient's veins.

"Notwithstanding seeking after new markets for our innovation, we will quickly scale in ranges where we've had business achievement, including ramble photography, remote bolster, AR preparing/support, human services, retail, logistics and the sky is the limit from there," said Mizufuka.

The BT-300 is accessible for pre-request from the organization's site at $799 (generally Rs. 55,000). Epson says it will start transporting the gadget later in 2016.

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