Title: FastStone Image Viewer 5.5
Filename: FSViewerSetup55.exe
File size: 5.58MB (5,853,531 bytes)
Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Non-Commercial Freeware
Author: FastStone

 FastStone Image Viewer is a quick, stable and easy to understand picture program, converter and editorial manager. The application has a decent exhibit of elements, which incorporate picture seeing, administration, correlation, red-eye evacuation, messaging, resizing, editing and shading conformities.
FastStone Image Viewer is both creative and instinctive. The application has a full-screen mode that gives snappy access to EXIF data, thumbnail program and significant functionalities by means of shrouded toolbars, which appear when your mouse touches the four edges of the screen.
FastStone Image Viewer backings all real realistic organizations including:
•           BMP
•           JPEG
•           JPEG 2000
•           animated GIF
•           PNG
•           PCX
•           TIFF
•           WMF
•           ICO
•           TGA
The application additionally underpins famous computerized camera RAW organizations including:
•           CRW
•           CR2
•           NEF
•           PEF
•           RAF
•           MRW
•           ORF
•           SRF
•           DNG
Different components incorporate a fantastic magnifier and a musical slideshow with 150+ transitional impacts, and also lossless JPEG moves, drop shadow impacts, picture annotation, scanner bolster, histogram and a great deal more..

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