Title: Eraser
Filename: Eraser
File size: 7.93MB (8,312,264 bytes)
Requirements: Windows XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Open Source
Date added: April 14, 2015
Author: Eraser

Eraser is a propelled security device for Windows which permits you to totally expel touchy information from your hard drive by overwriting it a few times with precisely chose designs.
When you erase a record, the working framework does not by any stretch of the imagination expel the document from the plate; it just uproots the reference of the document from the document framework table. The record stays on the circle until another document is made over it, and even after that, it may be conceivable to recuperate information by examining the attractive fields on the plate platter surface.
There are a few issues in secure record evacuation, for the most part brought about by the utilization of compose store, development of the hard plate and the utilization of information encoding. These issues have been thought about when Eraser was composed, and due to this instinctive outline and a straightforward client interface, you can securely and effectively eradicate private information from your hard drive.

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