Title: HijackThis 2.0.0 Beta
Filename: HijackThis 2.0.0 Beta.exe
File size: 1.25MB (1,308,216 bytes)
Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Freeware
Date added: March 12, 2007
Author: Trend Micro Inc
HijackThis investigates your PCs program and working framework settings to create a log document of the current condition of your PC.
HijackThis permits you to specifically expel undesirable settings and records from your PC and on the grounds that the settings recognized in a HijackThis log document can fit in with both true blue programming and undesirable malware, it is essential to utilize great alert when deciding to uprooting anything utilizing the HijackThis application. HijackThis additionally accompanies a procedure chief, HOSTS record manager, and interchange information stream scanner.

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HijackThis 1.99.1

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