
Title: CWShredder 2.18
Filename: CWShredder 2.18.exe
File size: 520KB (532,480 bytes)
Requirements: Windows (All Versions)
Languages: Multiple languages
License: Freeware
Date added: October 27, 2005
Author: Trend Micro Inc
Pattern Micro CWShredder is the head apparatus to discover and uproot hints of CoolWebSearch - the name for an extensive variety of slippery program ruffians - from your PC.
CWShredder evacuates these program ruffians. CoolWebSearch introduces many bookmarks - generally to porn Web locales - on your desktop, changes your landing page without asking, and ceaselessly transforms it back in the event that you endeavor to right it. Besides, it considerably slows down the performance of your laptop, and presents changes which cause Microsoft Windows to stop, accident or haphazardly reboot.

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