Engadget sources claim standalone VR/AR headset still in works

Stare off into space apparently not long haul VR arrangement for Google

Different groups as yet dealing with advancement of VR task Daydream

While Google has been accounted for to chip away at a top of the line standalone VR headset for some time, the gadget wasn't flaunted at its normal disclosing at Google I/O 2016. Presently, a report claims that Google has scratched off work on this front, while another cases a standalone headset that unions enlarged and virtual the truth is under way.

On Friday, Re/code reported that Google has opted to close down its standalone VR headset extend that was being worked to rival any semblance of HTC Vive and Facebook's Oculus Rift. The report said that Google is rather moving its center to versatile VR. Notwithstanding, another report from Engadget claims that the hunt mammoth is as yet taking a shot at a blended reality headset that "foggy spots the line between virtual reality and expanded reality."

Engadget on Saturday Referred to individuals acquainted with matter to say Google may have scrapped a specific venture yet that it has been "effectively doling out people to deal with a top of the line headset as of late." This headset won't require a PC or cell phone to work together, the report asserted.

Strangely, the report by Engadget additionally asserts that the colleagues chipping away at different headset have been informed that Daydream is not the organization's long haul arrangement for virtual and expanded reality.

The article, notwithstanding, added that Daydream remains a zone of center at Google, and that numerous groups are in the blink of an eye taking a shot at its improvement, yet it is "a venturing stone towards a more amazing equipment push."

A month ago in front of Google's I/O there were bits of gossip that the organization will report a standalone VR headset that won't require a versatile or PC for working, rather the organization declared its portable VR stage Daydream.

Fantasy will just work with specific Android Nougat cell phones, with extraordinary sensors and screens, supporting invigorate rates needing to bear in mind the end goal to minimize the idleness and permit a fresh, smooth VR experience.

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