Can the ‘impossible’ space drive survive falsification in orbit?
Can the ‘impossible’ space drive survive falsification in orbit?

The EM Drive is going to get its plume drop, after a design. The popular plume drop was about demonstrating something everyone as of now...

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Apple still ignoring ‘touch disease,’ would really prefer you just bought an iPhone 7
Apple still ignoring ‘touch disease,’ would really prefer you just bought an iPhone 7

A couple of weeks prior, we secured the alleged "touch malady" that is executing iPhone 6 and 6 Plus equipment well before its...

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New EU rules decree free, public 100Mbps Wi-Fi in every town in Europe
New EU rules decree free, public 100Mbps Wi-Fi in every town in Europe

As indicated by the president of the EU's official body, Jean-Claude Juncker, the EU is stuck in an unfortunate situation. Between t...

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Yes, Google Play is tracking you — and that’s just the tip of a very large iceberg
Yes, Google Play is tracking you — and that’s just the tip of a very large iceberg

On Monday, a story broke that Google Play — the close universal administration that Google uses to circulate programming inside Android ...

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Scientists invent a new kind of nanoscale imaging for living cells
Scientists invent a new kind of nanoscale imaging for living cells

Science is muddled, and this is an issue for imaging science. Living things are squishy and permeable. They have a tendency to be washed...

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This Special Ring Allows You To Feel Your Partner’s Heartbeat From Anywhere In The World
This Special Ring Allows You To Feel Your Partner’s Heartbeat From Anywhere In The World

In this day and age, we can converse with our friends and family regardless of where we go, with simply the snap of a couple catches. We...

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How the sugar industry bought out scientists for decades, and how to stop it from happening again
How the sugar industry bought out scientists for decades, and how to stop it from happening again

As indicated by a report simply distributed in the Journal of the American Medical Association, an appointment from the Sugar Research ...

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Run Android apps on your Windows PC
Run Android apps on your Windows PC

Android's application biological community has ended up being adaptable and designer agreeable, after somewhat of a moderate begin. ...

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Robots receive a scary-accurate new voice, courtesy of Google’s DeepMind
Robots receive a scary-accurate new voice, courtesy of Google’s DeepMind

Whatever you may think about the mechanical voices foisted upon the world because of Google Voice Search and Siri, you're unrealis...

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